Yours Truly KSS

Name: KS.Siang
Age: 20!!!
About me: Someone who's lack sleep even if he sleeps 24/7

A Loving Preferences

#New phone
#All the things i had wished for.

Animals Affiliates

|Ah Cat|
|Carrot Soup|
|Miss ET Cow|
|Derick Stick|
|4i elephant|
|Fat so|
|Miss Wall|
|Miss Piggy|
|Jian Cat's 2nd dead blog|
|Mr. Prawn|
|Killer V|
|Jian Cat's 3rd blog|
|Conserve lady|
|Elberto's 2nd dead blog|
|Korean look a like|
|Brat brother|
|Bullied sister|
|Bully sister|
|JR. Joyful Monkeys|
|The Tower|
|The other bunny|

The Loving Chronicles

|September 2006|
|October 2006|
|November 2006|
|December 2006|
|January 2007|
|February 2007|
|March 2007|
|April 2007|
|May 2007|
|June 2007|
|July 2007|
|August 2007|
|September 2007|
|December 2007|
|January 2008|
|February 2008|
|March 2008|
|April 2008|
|May 2008|
|July 2008|
|September 2008|
|March 2009|
|April 2009|
|May 2009|
|July 2009|
|October 2009|

The Loving Chronometer

The Loving Dialogue

The Chaos Plans

Flavor Of Life Lyrics

The Disaster box


layout by: elai lim
brushes: [x]

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rat Dissection XD

My 1st sem exam was disastrous, not only will i fail maths, i'll also be failing chemistry too! Things doesn't look good for me. Fact: i've already got the maths 2 paper back which i had more confident in but then, i failed badly.... Everyone failed as well but how i wished i passed. Today is the last day of the exam... Maths 1 paper and duh, going to fail but have the feeling that it won't be as bad as paper 2. Man, and my maths 2 is supposed to be better than maths 1... Enough of this rubbish, i'm enjoying myself today! But then have to go back to school for 40 minutes tomorrow morning at 10 to finish up the last part of the mouse dissection. Drawing the heart we preserved in formalin. Will stink like soul milk....

Yup, the rat dissection is really fun and interesting! I never for a minute there thought it was disgusting and gross, ( a bit cruel but i got through) instead, i see lots of knowledge and guts and so on. Lol! Pics included! Get a bin or plastic ready in case of nausea ;) Don't worry, i'll start with some heartwarming pics. ;) Unfortunately i do not own a camera so it's all taken with my phone.

This is Mr. Mickey and Mrs. Minnie. I got them the day before the dissection. Need 2 white mice to look at the three systems in the body. (Circulatory, Digestive and Respiratory) And yes, i dissected not 2 but 3 white mice, wahahahahaha! One for practice ma....

!!! RED ALERT!!!

Anyway, i didn't take the pics of these two when i'm done with them but i did take some from the practice. (The bitch is a strict power hungry whore)

Anyway, first we crucify it like so.

Then we peel off its skin to see a transparent popia skin like skin? LOL! Even got some reddish black meat like thingy and greenish thingy that look like veggies le... Don't hate me if you don't like popia after this.... Haha. This photo is the most clear pic i can find on my phone. Stupid phone cheated me by showing a clear pic of it when i snapped it. Turns out this way :'-(

We need to cut open the popia skin and reveal a digestive system like this. Man, it smells like toilet! There seems to be some soury urinary smell. But i got used to it soon enough with the help of surgical mask anyway. The black thingy on the top are the livers. The greenish little thing just below is is the colon. Why it's green? The shit is still being half digest when i killed it, that's why. The others are the small intestines, large intestine and rectum and such.

This is how the final form of the digestive system will look like.

See any needles? ;) White mice are actually quite cute but for my assessment, i just had to killed it.

Whose hand is that? ;)

I'm focusing ok.... (actually just posing)
They say i look like a psychotic mad doctor here.... One of those bian tai.....
Loooookie here, it's dancing with me!

Don't drop your guts miss....

My last memories with Ms. Minnie. I made her a widow for 3 days by dissecting her husband Mr. Mickey. I finally release her from that pain of losing her loved one... To make up for her loss for the three days,i fed her cornflakes le... Ppl said i treated her better than when i treat a human. WHAT? Human will betray you ba. Unlike Miss mousy here. She literally gave me her blood, tears and life. Feel guilty especially when i accidentally cut her main vein which caused her to bleed non stop. Oh well. That's the end of this post. I'm going to play with my bro for now ;-)

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SS Phoenix @ 2:08 PM

Leaving love at |2:08 PM| ~-~ 0 Hearts given